Personality Development

Volunteering helps you to build interpersonal skills and accelerates your personal growth. You tend to become a good listener and a good speaker. You become sensitive towards other people’s needs. Over a period of time, you develop communication, leadership, and decision-making skills. You become more empathetic towards others’ feelings. You gain confidence and this enhances your overall personality.

Become a role model

Your contribution of time and skills helps someone to find a new hope for their future. People look forward to meeting you, hearing your advice and more importantly learning from you. You become a role model for many individuals and communities who often lack opportunities and resources.

Make a difference

By helping individuals, you are contributing towards the upliftment of the community and the nation as a whole. You are willingly serving the community for no absolute personal gain. You foster teamwork and community development. You become mindful of the small things that can impact the society and benefit its people. Your efforts bring positive changes and make a difference in people’s lives.

International Networking Opportunities

When you are volunteering with a NGO, you will be a part of variety of a events that takes place within and outside the organization. There is a lot of networking opportunities where you get the chance to meet new people and there is always a constant exchange of ideas and information where you find new dimensions of learning. You can also make new friends who share common interest and ideologies.

Build your Career

If you are a fresher and seeking employment opportunities, volunteering experiences will give you an edge over others. While selecting candidates, employers prefer someone who has developed interpersonal skills and has substantial amount of experience working with people. In some cases, you can also get letter of recommendation from the organization which would further help you get employment.

Gain happiness

Last but not the least, volunteering definitely makes you happy and self-content. It feels good to help others. It gives a sense of purpose. It is a two-way street. You give something to gain something in return. People always feel more content in giving than receiving. When you give your time and energy to someone, you definitely feel happy, it can help you to reduce stress and in turn improves your mental health, making you feel satisfied.
